The album is close to being done, at least as far as the music and lyrics go. I just need to get two more songs done, and I plan on doing that in the next few days. After that, there will be a new recording that will make everything sound a lot better.
When it finally gets done, it will be a huge cathartic experience. I've been wanting to do this since I started to play guitar, so many years ago, and it's finally just around the corner. I've been kicking around some of these song ideas for over 6 years now, and I am really proud of what I've done.
Not to sound like an egotistical douche, but I really think the songs I came up with are pretty good. I really believe in these songs. It would be pointless to write songs that don't make you feel good and proud. It seems some bands just write for the fans and stuff like that, and some of them are quite successful, which is commendable. However, I could never write with that mindset.
I don't have a fanbase to speak of, and I probably never will have a large enough fanbase to compete with other bands. The point I'm trying to make is that, I'd rather keep writing the songs that I want and that make me feel like I accomplished something good, than writing songs for other people, even if that means not being famous or popular. Granted, I would like for a lot of people to think that the album is enjoyable, but even if nobody does, I'll keep writing music.
I don't know how to explain this, really. People will have their opinions, and once they form one, very rarely do they change their mind. I can respect that. It's just that I could never write a song thinking about how other people would perceive it, or thinking something like "man, this riff will really make people bang their heads," or something like that. So, in a way, the way I create music is a very selfish process. It's what I know best, and it's what I'll keep on doing.
When I was looking for people to form a band with, most of them just said that the songs I had were too dated, or too complicated, or not heavy enough or . . . insert musical criticism here. It did make me feel a little bad about it at first, but I quickly realized that I hadn't written these songs for them, so instead of dwelling in a negative space, I just became more motivated.
It's finally about to pay off :D